food requirements

What is the Basic Concept of Halal Food?


“Curious about what’s halal and what’s not? Uncover the simple yet meaningful rules behind the halal food you eat!”


Halal food, a basic Islamic concept, is lawful under the Islamic code. Derived from the Arabic word ‘halal’ which translates to lawful or allowed. Halal food guarantees that everything consumed is halal, that is pure, clean, and legalized by the Quran. Halal, however, is much more than a mere way of maintaining diets. It is a rule of the Islamic faith governing the aspect of food intake.


Never decimating or ‘haram’ foods and substances, Muslims must be wary of what they take into their systems. The increase in the number of people who identify themselves as Muslims is making them demand more halal foods and many restaurants and producers are providing this product with clear labels. Therefore, halal food has also attracted a following in non-Muslims mainly because it is believed to be healthy and processed in the correct way.


In this article, we will discover what halal food is, how to recognize it, what are the necessary conditions for a food product to be considered halal, and the kind of food categories that must be halal. We will also discuss how people prepare halal foods and answer some of the frequently asked questions, including shawarma and Nutella. People must understand the fundamental guidelines for the preparation of halal foods. So that they can be able to make the right decision about eating halal food or any food for that matter.



How to Know if a Food is Halal?


“Is your food halal? Learn how to easily identify halal options and explore the world of ethical eating!”


how to know


There are several ways and means through which people can ascertain whether the food they are about to consume is halal or not and the best and most effective method is the halal certification bodies. These organizations ensure that the food is by Islamic dietary laws and that a label is enough. When buying food in supermarkets or eating in restaurants. The easiest way to identify whether the food is Halal or not is by identifying the Halal Logo.


However, other than the issue of certification, there is the issue of ingredients that should also be investigated. Take for instance, when you see pork, meat that has not been halal, alcohol, etc. as ingredients in its preparation then you can easily know that the food is not halal. In the production of processed foods, there could be hidden components, like gelatin or enzymes from non-halal sources. So one must be very careful with the labels.


While eating in a restaurant, one should not be shy to ask the crew if the food is halal specifically on the aspect of meat serving. All around the world, unfortunately, or fortunately depending on your perspective, many restaurants including those in non-Muslim majority countries offer halal food. Because the demand for it is so high always don’t hesitate to ask.


What Types of Food are Halal?

Here is what kind of foods are allowed in Muslims’ diet in line with the Islamic teachings regarding the consumption of Taliban. Halal foods are very popular nowadays and to my surprise. There are so many foods that are taken to be halal. Below are the main categories:


Fruits and Vegetables




The natural state of all fruits and vegetables is Halal and falls into the permissible category. Hence they cannot be consumed with haram components.






Thus, only certain categories of animals like cows, sheep, goats, and chickens are halal. If they have been killed according to Islamic Shariah. Meat from carnivorous animals such as lions, bears, and other similar animals, is prohibited or haram.






Fish and most Seafood products are Halal according to most of the scholars in Islamic law But, crawfish is disputed. Thus, its consumption is not recommended by all Muslims.


Dairy Products




All types of fresh meats, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy products such as milk, cheese, and other related products are considered halal. Except if they are combined with nonhalal ingredients.


Grains and Legumes




This one includes rice, wheat, lentils as well and beans which are halal products and are consumed in large proportions.






All types of water, juices, tea, and coffee are permissible whereas any drink containing alcohol is prohibited.


What are the Food Requirements for Halal?



The need for food that is halal has certain unique requirements, and they fall under different categories. For a food item to be considered halal, it must meet the following conditions:


  • Animal Welfare: Animals can never receive any form of harm for them to be free from any form of cruelty. These animals must be healthy at the time of harvesting or slaughtering the animals to make the meat.


  • Halal Slaughter: Any animal, mammals, and birds must be slaughtered and a butcher who knows Islamic slaughter should do it in the name of ALLAH and only use a sharp knife to minimize the suffering of the animals. Blood, which is regarded as ‘nondescript,’ must be emptied from the body of the animal completely.


  • No Pork or Alcohol: Pork, all products containing pork and alcohol in any form and concentration are forbidden completely. This ranges from liquids such as spirits to fats such as lard that are used in cooking among other applications.


  • Clean and Hygienic Handling: Halal food needs proper hygiene as well as the proper way of handling and preparing it so as not to meet non-halal foods.


Thus, following these rules, the Muslims guarantee that the consumed food is lawful as well as physically and spiritually wholesome.


How Is Halal Food Prepared?


Halal food Prepared


The preparation of halal food involves several key steps that ensure its compliance with Islamic dietary laws:


  • Slaughtering Process: The animal must be fit and able-bodied at the time of slaughtering. Before making a quick chop to the throat, the butcher must pronounce the holy words “Bismillah,” meaning “In the name of Allah”. This is important so that the animal can be slaughtered with decency and little suffering or pain. All blood is removed from the body because according to Islamic law, blood is haram.


  • Segregation: One of the requirements of halal food especially meat is that meats, processed meat, and other consumable products from non-halal food be stored separated from halal foods right from the butchery to preparation, processing, and packaging.


  • Cleanliness: Hygiene is also of great importance to prepare halal meals. The foods must be prepared in clean areas free from haram products and compared to cooking equipment and utensils must be washed adequately.


  • Certification: A large percentage of halal foods are accredited by recognized Islamic organizations to guarantee their compliance with the requirements. This certification process offers assurance to consumers that the food in a particular facility complies with Islamic standards.




Can Muslims eat shawarma?


Thus, Muslims can take shawarma provided it is made from halal meat and prepared in a manner that is consistent with the Islamic laws of slaughtering animals.

What food is not Halal?


Halal food does not contain pork, alcohol, animals that were not slaughtered properly or Animals that are predatory.

Is Nutella halal?


Yes, Nutella is halal but the commercial one, and as far as I know Nutella does not contain any haram ingredient. Although, in every packaging, the permissible percentage of alcohol content should be labeled and certified.

